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- Kev, which of these is the most useful, to you; a mobile phone, a PC, a walkman, a digital camera or a washing machine?
- Erm..personally a PC, I use a PC a lot in.. in my work, erm…’cos I teach computing. So I need to do preparation and ..erm.. prepare handouts and files for students to work with, that sort of thing, so I need it for my work.
- How has technology changed or affected your… your working life during the last few years? Probably quite a bit I would imagine.
- Mmm… Oh yeah, quite a bit,…erm… well, I’ve been back in the UK for… just over three years now, teaching IT, so I had to learn all the new software when I came back after I’d been teaching English for four years. Erm… but yeah, I did used to teach IT. Erm..the programs are bigger…. that’s about it really, they’re still basically the same. They do the same job…. but, easier to use really.
- What technological developments could,..erm… or couldn’t you live without?
Could you live without a washing machine?
- I don’t have a washing machine.
- You’re joking.
- No. No.
- You wash by hand?
-, I go to the launderette.
- Right.
- Usually…yeah, I haven’t got a washing machine. I…I upgraded my computer; that was more important!
- What do you see happening in the future? Where, where is technology leading us?
- Erm…more integration really, I mean we’re… we’re seeing some things along those lines now. Smart Houses, this is the future where… y’know where everything’s connected together, so you can phone home and tell the oven to switch on and that sort of thing. Turn th.. turn the central heating on. I mean you can already phone home and check your messages and that sort of stuff, so…
- So you might be able to wash your clothes in your PC soon…..

Handouts = hojas de trabajo
Files = carpetas
IT = Information Technology
launderette (UK)= lavandería automática (US – laundromat)
developments = desarrollos
to upgrade (a PC) = modernizar, potenciar, mejorar las prestaciones de
to lead = llevar
oven = horno
central heating = calefacción central

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