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Good Afternoon. It’s 5pm and here is the news.

Barcelona today as the war between the European Union and the Asian Axis continues. 19 people and an unknown number when Iranian, Syrian and North Korean planes the centre of Barcelona early this morning.
American Foreign Secretary, Donald Duck, the European Union not to disturb the political balance between Asian and Middle eastern countries.

The African continent completely closed and quarantined against the new pneumonia-like illness ‘BARS’. No one to enter or leave Africa, all planes until further notice and the world cup qualifying match between Kenya and Nicaragua .

Whales extinct. The last two known whales alive, a male and a female for meat and oil near the coast of Argentina yesterday. This the disappearance from the world’s seas and oceans last year of all dolphins. African Elephants were the last species to disappear after to extinction by ivory hunters. World leaders regret and say that the whales greatly missed.

Remi Martin, the famous American actress and pop star to accept the Oscar for her performance in the film ‘Love me tonight’. When reporters asked her, outside her multi-million dollar mansion in Malibu, California, why she the award, she replied, ‘It wouldn’t look good in my living room’. 

illness = enfermedad
to warn = advertir, prevenir
balance = equilibrio
to ground = impedir el despegue
until further notice = hasta nuevo aviso 
ivory = cazadores de marfil
regret = sentir, arrepentirse
accept = aceptar
award = premio

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