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-How often do you go ?
-Erm ... well what we find is.. erm … we do like a big once a…once a month.
-Once a month.
-Erm… in a big supermarket, and then every week we go down to our
and just buy our fresh things, our fresh just to top up.
-Do you ever shop in open markets, outdoor markets?
-No, we used to, didn’t we?
-When we first moved to Spain, but I don’t really like .
-Why not?
-Just generally too many , you have to be up too early. At least with a supermarket you can go any time.
-You can go any time of the day, yeah.
-Do you make
before you go shopping, or do you wait for the things to jump out…
-Oooh yes.
-Definitely lists.
-Who’s the list maker?
a list of all the lists I have to .
-Do you always remember to take it with you?
-Oh yes. I’d be lost without my shopping list.
-Yeah, and then… and then we still buy other than that anyway because the list is not always comprehensive. It’s eh..
-Things jump out the into your…
-Yeah, you walk along an…and she’s looking at the list and I .. I might say, “Oo, I think I’ll take some of these,” an .. and it’s not on the list, or vice versa she might say the same thing.
-So you can buy things that aren’t on the list?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah…we’re not.. we’re not restricted to what’s on the list, are we?
me with my memory’s not very good.
-Do you usually use a
or a ?
-Trolley, I can’t remem …. trolley, mainly trolley we take a basket, I don’t know…once every two, three months, wouldn’t we? depending on what … on how many items we’re getting. We might stop if.. if we’re out doing … whatever, and Steph will say, “Let’s stop off I want to get a loaf of bread” item … two items … then it’s a basket…
-Yeah, but then al…
-Other than that it’s…
-….also, you go into a supermarket wanting two things, and you never come out with two things.
-No, you always come out with more, yeah.
do you buy here in Spain?
-Erm …
.. erm … prawns, I love the prawns over here, the..erm…langostins, so I always have a big in the freezer. Cook them in butter and garlic.
-Lamb, we buy a frozen leg of lamb, don’t we? Erm…
-I prefer to buy fresh food, though really.
-Do you steal plastic
to use at home for rubbish?
-No, no.
-Do you buy them in little…
-Well no, we find that the amount of
we get copes with our .. er.. rubbish that we have to get rid of. We don’t … we don’t erm.. go out particularly to say alright I’ll take erm.. half a dozen of these for..for the use of rubbish. No don’t do that.

La Mansión del Inglés.
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