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Look at the following advertisements.
Which do you like the most? Why?
Which do you like the least? Why?

Listen to four people describing their favourite advertisements and complete the following notes.

1. Listen The advertisement is for
The person especially likes it because of the

Listen This person likes the ice-cream ad because the woman in the advertisement looks so and
is her favourite flavour.

Listen This person thinks that adverts about finance are
This person doesn't like to see advertisements which show suffering. He watches TV to

Listen This person's father bought a because of an advert.
Maybe the product represented his father’s


Listen Listen Listen Listen Listen again and read the transcriptions.

Match the definitions with expressions containing the word ‘brand’. Follow the example.

Nombre de una marca.
Utilizando una marca conocido para lanzar un producto en una nueva categoría.
Imagen de una marca.
Conciencia de una marca.
Fidelidad a una marca.
La marca con la cuota de mercado más grande.
Una marca famosa con una historia larga.
Una marca asociada a productos caros y de alta calidad.


Listen Listen and repeat.

Now complete the following sentences using an expression from the previous exercise. Follow the example.

Example: Jaguar is a in the automobile market.

1. The main purpose of our advertising campaign is to increase so that more people are familiar with our products.
2. Coca Cola is a because it is very well-known all over the world and it was introduced into the market over 120 years ago.
3. Nike’s is of good quality sports equipment for active people who like to keep fit, do competitive sports and look good.
4. Microsoft is definitely the in the computer software market.
5. Richard Branson’s company Virgin used to be known as a record label and music store chain until they tried and opened an airline and a train service.
6. When consumers always buy Columbia outdoor clothes, shoes and sportswear, and never choose a different brand, they are known for their .



Before you hear the introduction, complete the text with the words below.

Almost every business has a trading name, from the smallest market trader to the largest multi-national . Only a of those businesses however, have what could be as a ‘brand’ or a ‘brand name’.

Branding is a word commonly to by advertisers and marketing people, but what does it actually , how can you get it, and most importantly; how will it your business?

Listen Now listen to check your answers.


Listen Now listen to Sandra defining branding and complete the notes. Use the pause button in your media player to help you write the answers.

A brand is a name or a used to a company or its products and separate them from the .

A popular brand is easy to .

Branding can also include logos, symbols and .Answers

Apart from the company name, the is also important. (examples: and )

Listen Listen again and read the transcription.

Finally, listen to the rest of the interview and choose the best sub-heading (1-5) for the different benefits of branding.

Image of Experience and Reliability / Image of Quality / Multiple Products
Recognition and Loyalty / Image of Size

1.Listen   Answers  

Listen Listen Listen Listen Listen Listen again and read the transcriptions.

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