1. Not to pay money that you owe - to default on a debt
2. An amount of money that a person, business, or country borrows, especially from a bank - loan
3. The opposite of profit - loss
4. A company that is owned by a larger company - subsidiary
5. A document that shows how much money was received and spent by a company during a particular period of time - profit-and-loss account
6. Costs of doing business resulting from generating revenue - expenses
7. The amount of money earned from sales of goods or services and money received as interest, rent, royalties etc. - revenue
8. A written statement showing the value of a company at a particular time - balance sheets
9. An amount of money that you collect, save, or invest - fund
10. The money that a company spends on things such as buildings, equipment and machinery - capital expense (or capital spending, capital expenditure)
11. All costs of running a business that are not included under the costs of producing the goods to be sold - operating costs
12. A situation in which a company has no money to pay what they owe and the obligation to pay debts is removed - bankruptcy
13. A legal proceeding where you are officially declaring that you do not have sufficient money to repay your outstanding loans and expenses - filing for bankruptcy

¿Cómo puedo desactivar el bloqueo de anuncios en La Mansión del Inglés?