1. c) 2. c) 3. b) You should give your present in public in the Middle East to show it’s not a bribe, but it’s polite to give your present in private in Asia. 4. a) cutlery suggests that you want to cut off the relationship in Latin America. You mustn’t give food or drink in Saudi Arabia because it suggests you think your hosts aren’t offering you enough to eat and drink. You mustn’t give a clock in China because the Chinese word for clock is similar to the word for funeral. 5. b) Use Mr. for a man, Miss for an unmarried woman and Mrs. for a married woman. Never use a title together with only a first name. Example 6. a) If you don’t suggest a time and arrange a visit immediately, an Indian will think you are refusing the invitation. But if an English person says ‘visit me any time’, they may think you are impolite if you start arranging a date immediately. 7. b) Friday is a day of prayer. Offices are usually closed on Fridays in Muslim countries. 8. b) Americans usually mean ‘Yes’ when they nod their heads. An English person probably just means ‘I understand’, and an Asian is just showing interest. 9. c) It’s impolite to discuss business at a social occasion in India. 10. c) 11. d) In Thailand you have to shake hands very gently (suavemente). It’s not like America where a weak handshake can indicate a weak character. In Japan you have to bow when you meet someone for the first time but in Thailand you have to put the palms of your hands together in a prayer gesture. And you mustn’t touch your head in Thailand. It’s impolite. 12. c) 13. b) You must treat your contact’s business cards with respect in Japan. You should look at them very carefully before you put them away and you mustn’t write on them. 14. c) In an English pub, you should buy ‘a round’ – a drink for everyone in your group. |
¿Cómo puedo desactivar el bloqueo de anuncios en La Mansión del Inglés?