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And today we
talk about being overcome with emotion, both good and bad. We have a
somewhat strange expression you can use to describe that situation: “to
be beside yourself.”
So, if I say I am beside myself with joy, I am filled with joy! However,
I can also be beside myself with grief, anger, or most other emotions.
You can use this expression to talk about others, too. Just change the
reflexive pronoun. For example, a woman who gives birth can be beside
herself with awe and probably exhaustion. The new father can be beside
himself with awe too.
The expression is useful and simple, but strange. It sounds as if
someone has become two people. How can you be next to yourself? Being
“beside yourself” is technically impossible.
Some word experts say the expression may come from a belief about
magical powers of the soul, or spirit. To some, experiencing extreme
emotion — whether good or bad — can make people’s souls leave their
bodies. In other words, if a person is under great emotional stress, the
soul and body could actually separate and stand beside each other.
Now, let’s talk about usage. In American English, you can simply say
“I’m beside myself” to mean you are shocked or very upset. For example,
if you have a bad fight with a close friend, you might be beside
yourself. You might scream, write your friend an angry letter, or just
go somewhere by yourself and cry.
Here’s another situation. A high school student
applies to several colleges. If they all reject her application, she
could be beside herself.
She might stay up all night worrying about what to do next.
Here is another example. If a person becomes seriously ill, he could
start talking in a way that does not make any sense. The patient may
also start behaving strangely, walking around the room -- back and forth,
back and forth. He may think he is seeing someone who is not really
there. A doctor might say, “He is delirious with fever. He is beside
We have another expression that is very similar to “being beside
yourself.” We can also be out of our minds. We use this expression in
the same way we use “beside oneself.”
So we can be out of minds with fear, with love, with happiness, or with
any other emotion. And just like “beside oneself,” we also use this
expression on its own without a specific emotion.
So, if someone says or does something crazy -- like learning how to ride
a motorcycle on a dark, rainy night -- you can simply say, “She is out
of her mind!”
In that example, you could also say the person is crazy or has lost it
(as in their mind).
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