- Erm, my perfect dinner party.. eermm... from famous people John Lennon..er..just to have a chat with him and..and really see what he was like. Erm.. I think you’d… I’d.. erm.. like to invite someone that was funny, so Billy Connolly, because I think he’d be really good..erm…I don’t know so much about now, maybe years ago when he was drinking a lot and taking loads of drugs that would have been funnier. Erm.. I suppose if I look back I’ve probably had some really good dinner parties in England, and a couple of my really good friends unfortunately have passed away*. So, to get sort of like the six of us back together again. Erm, but I think with famous people, possibly there’s too many even to think about.
Well, I can think of one,
Jack the Ripper.
everybody else in the world must want to know that; who he was, why he
did it. ‘Cos I’ve got feelings on that, I think it was a cover up** for
royalty. I think he impregnated a prostitute – Erm.. Edward, Edward the
seventh I think it was – and I think they were killed because of that.
Not because it could have been each one of them. It was…we’re doing this
because one of them, one of them was impregnated. That’s what…that’s
what I think for that.
*To pass away = fallecer |
La Mansión del Inglés. https://www.mansioningles.com
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