1. About 22% of the earth's
original forest remains.
2. Last year the total income of retail chain Wal-Mart was $246.5
3. It takes 88,000 kg of prehistoric buried plant material to
produce 3.9
litres of petrol.
4. 85 % of men who died of heart failure during intercourse
turned out to
have been cheating on their wives.
5. The ratio of female to male bloggers on the Internet is 6:30.
6. 12 in every 50 computers are Macs.
7. If you were one in a million in India, there would be 1100
people just
like you.
8. 37% of American adults cannot work out a 10% discount
on a price,
even using a calculator!
9. The ratio of a typical salary of a paid gladiator in ancient Rome to
salary of a doctor or lawyer is 10:1
10. A kiss that lasts for 1 minute burns 26 calories. |