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Modal verbs (must, can, will, should, could etc.) can be
used to talk about probability.
In which of the following does the modal verb express probability? Tick the
Check your answers.
Read the blog title below.

Why do you think the man hasn’t been outside for 25 years? Read the ideas below
and rewrite them using the modal verb in brackets.
Follow the example.
Check your answers.
Now read the ideas again and tick the ones you think seem possible:
Now read the blog article. Which of your ideas were correct?
Colin Stone weighs an incredible 319 kilos and
he is so ashamed of his size that he has not been out of his house
for 25 years.
The ex-builder, who has a 203 cm waist, is afraid that drivers will
crash their cars staring at him, so he has decided to stay indoors
However, even though he says he is happy with his lifestyle, his
girlfriend of seven years is becoming tired of being at home all day.
'She complains I haven't taken her anywhere,' said 52-year-old Mr
Stone at his home in Manchester, England. 'I know I should, but I
haven't been out for so long it has become a habit. My sister is
always nagging me to take my girlfriend out and I would really love
to. But I just don't like going out and I'm happy at home, so she
comes round here to see me instead.
'I used to enjoy going out to the pub for a drink at weekends. I
might go out again one day. I do miss walking into the city because
I've always lived in Manchester, and people tell me it has changed a
lot over the last few years.'
Mr Stone last went out in 1990. He went to the pub and he paid only
90p for a pint of beer.
He said: 'I was a sort of celebrity and people would stop and stare
at me, but cars would almost crash into each other as drivers tried
to get a look at me.'
Doctors have advised him to lose weight and prescribed a walk every
day, but he says he just never gets round to it. He weighed 108
kilos at the age of 14 and has just kept on getting bigger since
‘I tried to lose weight for about four years, but I just couldn't do
it,' he said. 'Now that I’m older I realise I have to be careful.
'I have cut the fat out of my diet but I still eat plenty of food. I
have a special plate for vegetables and a different one for meat.
'And if I eat cereal for breakfast, I don't just have one bowl, I
have two huge bowls with a litre and a half of full-fat milk.'
Previously, breakfast for Colin comprised of six fried eggs with a
mountain of bacon and a whole loaf of bread. A lunch of meat and
potato pie or a giant pork salad was always followed by a pudding
topped with loads of custard and cream.
For dinner, there was often steak and kidney pudding with boiled
vegetables, or his favourite take-away of Indian curry.
The heaviest man in the world at the moment, also an Englishman, is
thought to be Paul Mason, from Essex, who weighs 444 kilos.
Adapted from the article: "The Man Too Fat To
Leave Home, from the Mail Online, www.dailymail.co.uk |

ashamed = avergonzado, apenado
waist = cintura
crash = chocar
to nag = fastidiar, dar la lata
a loaf of bread = una barra de pan
La Mansión del Inglés. https://www.mansioningles.com
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